Freedom to Focus on You

Independent Advice, Aligned with Your Values

As an independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Firm, we are free to place our clients’ business with almost any type of investment product from stocks and bonds, mutual funds, traditional insurance to alternatives such as gold, hard assets and your externally held 401(k)s.

We invest for you according to these fundamental principles

There is no pressure to sell proprietary products with our firm, ensuring that we are consistently putting your financial and personal needs first. When considering investment options, we also consider a level of social consciousness ensuring that the companies we invest in are improving the world at large.

The investment strategy we create for you is rooted in research. In its simplest terms, our system is a sophisticated type of asset allocation designed to capture the market’s historically reliable movement. Our approach creates a portfolio intended to maximize growth and stability and minimize risk and emotion for our clients.

As our client, you pay an annual fee based on the assets in your accounts that we manage for you. In certain instances, we receive commissions in lieu of management fees (for twelve months) for specific investments. Details regarding the commissions we receive and the fees we charge can be found in the agreement you sign with us and in our Form ADV.

We believe in keeping our clients current. We’ll meet with you to review your account’s performance and our investment strategy. You’ll also receive activity updates and clear, concise quarterly performance reports on your investment portfolio.